Small and mid-caps section of the stock market have corrected quite a lot in the last six months to the extent of almost 25 to 30% on the index and almost 50 to even 70% on individual stocks… Situation seems to be stable note and correction seems to be over in these segments of the market.

As a result, you might be seeing some rapid an aggressive moment in your portfolio from liquid/short-term/debt funds to mid and small cap funds.

It’s nothing to do with the current market situation or election or anything like that… Just that this area of the stock market has corrected quite a bit and we think that we can get a little aggressive in this area.

The recovery also seems to be underway and it’s looking healthy… If you do get a little nervous of large movements don’t worry please. This concern is absolutely normal but remember these were profits booked of the past. In some portfolios it is the debt holding portion which we are speeding up.

A long time has also passed in the interim and in many cases across all sections of the market we are getting NAV’s which are the same as about two years ago.

Finally, election may have a little role to play; if the Modi government wins then we will see a rally and if they do not win the stock market is not expected to fall much except for a knee-jerk reaction, if at all, as it has already corrected.



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